Keep Father Ubald’s Mission Alive

Fr. Ubald had a compelling vision for the Center for the Secret of Peace that is now being promoted and realized by the Bishop of Cyangugu and his diocese. Thanks to the growing support and generosity from around the world, over the past 12 years we have been able to:

  • Purchase a 70-acre property in Rwanda that is home to the Center for the Secret of Peace
  • Build the main chapel, two smaller chapels, and residence for the two priests working at the Center 
  • Drill a well that provides fresh, clean drinking water for the local residents
  • Support the staffing needs of the Center
  • Support the work of the Missionaries of Peace of Christ the King
  • Deliver retreats, programming, and outreach initiatives in the US and Rwanda
  • Create a comprehensive site-plan for the full development of the entire 70-acre property

Fr. Ubald had a compelling vision for the Center for the Secret of Peace that is now being promoted and realized by the Bishop of Cyangugu and his diocese. Thanks to the growing support and generosity from around the world, over the past 12 years we have been able to:

  • Purchase a 70-acre property in Rwanda that is home to the Center for the Secret of Peace
  • Build the main chapel, two smaller chapels, and residence for the two priests working at the Center 
  • Drill a well that provides fresh, clean drinking water for the local residents
  • Support the staffing needs of the Center
  • Support the work of the Missionaries of Peace of Christ the King
  • Deliver retreats, programming, and outreach initiatives in the US and Rwanda
  • Create a comprehensive site-plan for the full development of the entire 70-acre property

We have only begun! We are called to fulfill the vision Fr. Ubald put forth, and to continue to support our brothers and sisters around the world who need the message of forgiveness, reconciliation, healing and peace.

The Center for the Secret of Peace Ministries operates solely on the support of donations. We invite you to join us. Our very broken world needs healing and peace.

“Healing begins with forgiveness. Forgiveness makes you free. Freedom is joy. Joy is Jesus. This is the Secret of Peace.”

—Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga

Giving the gift of freedom through forgiveness

Your financial gift directly supports people and programs that bring the message of forgiveness, healing, freedom and peace through:

  • Monthly programming at the Center for the Secret of Peace in Rwanda
  • Hospitality, counseling, and healing to more than 12,000 pilgrims who travel to the Center for the Secret of Peace each month
  • Spreading Father Ubald’s words and messages in print, video, and online
  • Healing programs and retreats
  • Special projects and initiatives (translation project)
  • Formation of Novices for the Missionaries of Peace of Christ the King

The Building Project

Father Ubald was a visionary. He knew that there was a need to provide a dedicated place for the thousands of people from Rwanda; the neighboring countries of Burundi, Congo, Tanzania, Uganda; and from all corners of the world who would come seeking reconciliation, healing, and peace.

He had an inspired vision to build out and fully develop the 70-acre property that is home to the Center for the Secret of Peace.

The Building Project

Father Ubald was a visionary. He knew that there was a need to provide a dedicated place for the thousands of people from Rwanda; the neighboring countries of Burundi, Congo, Tanzania, Uganda; and from all corners of the world who would come seeking reconciliation, healing, and peace.

He had an inspired vision to build out and fully develop the 70-acre property that is home to the Center for the Secret of Peace.

The Latest News & Events

“Let’s Make Joy” Benefit Dinner & Silent Auction

“Let’s Make Joy” Dinner & Silent Auction in Chicago! Featuring guest speaker Immaculée Ilibagiza, close personal friend of Fr. Ubald.

Thursday, October 17, 2024 | 6pm

Looking Toward Sainthood for Our Beloved Father Ubald

For those who knew Father Ubald personally, there is no doubt in our minds that he is in Heaven soaking in the joys of eternal life with the Holy Trinity, Mary, the saints and his beloved Rwandan family.

Reflection On My Travels to Rwanda

Having just returned from Rwanda, here are a few reflections. The Center for the Secret of Peace grounds were beautiful with lots of visitors and pilgrims.