Looking Toward Sainthood for Our Beloved Father Ubald

For those who knew Father Ubald personally, there is no doubt in our minds that he is in Heaven soaking in the joys of eternal life with the Holy Trinity, Mary, the saints and his beloved Rwandan family.

September 25, 2016

Paroisse Nyamasheke

Rapport y’imyiherero Padiri Ubald RUGIRANGOGA yakoranye n’abakristu ba Paroisse Nyamasheke bari muri iyo Paroisse mu ghe cya genocide yakorewe abatutsi mu Rwanda muri 1994 kuva tariki ya 23/06/2014 kugeza tariki ya 27/06/2014.
August 4, 2013

The Mushaka Peace Program

Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga shares with you the great celebration of 50 years of Mushaka parish. Forgiveness! The new discovered weapon to fight against violence in the world. 4th August 2013 Mushaka parish where I have been Pastor for 11 years celebrated 50 years of foundation.
June 24, 2013

11 Steps to Forgiveness

To forgive is sometimes difficult, but it is always possible: St Peter in the parable of the unforgiving Servant (Mth18,21-22) realizes it is not easy to forgive. He asked Jesus how often he must forgive his brother who is sinning against him?
September 25, 2016

Paroisse Nyamasheke

Rapport y’imyiherero Padiri Ubald RUGIRANGOGA yakoranye n’abakristu ba Paroisse Nyamasheke bari muri iyo Paroisse mu ghe cya genocide yakorewe abatutsi mu Rwanda muri 1994 kuva tariki ya 23/06/2014 kugeza tariki ya 27/06/2014.
August 4, 2013

The Mushaka Peace Program

Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga shares with you the great celebration of 50 years of Mushaka parish. Forgiveness! The new discovered weapon to fight against violence in the world. 4th August 2013 Mushaka parish where I have been Pastor for 11 years celebrated 50 years of foundation.
June 24, 2013

11 Steps to Forgiveness

To forgive is sometimes difficult, but it is always possible: St Peter in the parable of the unforgiving Servant (Mth18,21-22) realizes it is not easy to forgive. He asked Jesus how often he must forgive his brother who is sinning against him?
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